Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I love tigers you do like tigers wen I was like 3 years old I was very very scared about the tigers 
but then not.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


yo do like paris I like a lot paris

grue dos mi villano favorito

you do like the film grue 2 

los pitufos

I like a lot the smurfs they are very funny and like the blue color

Greenwich school


I thing that the Greenwich school is very big and I like a lot the uniform because is green.
in the shcool is a swimingpool                                                        

Friday, July 26, 2013

the lion king assembly

In the first part I was a little bit nervous but then not.
I enjoyed playing the Lion King a lot.

the bird can not fly

               wen we walk into the computer room we
               saw a bird
                 if I was that bird I will be very sad                              because
                a bird needs to fly and when we walk                       into
               the computers room y think he scared a lot

                  y will be very scared

                   and y will fill very bad

                   y will be going to my house.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

one of my favorite video 

going to mexico

well y think that I'm going to need  a lot of things
 in aeroplane 3ds Nintendo a book....... and a lot of things more
wen y arrive in mexico im going to sleep in
my bed  then y want to go to eat. And y want to eat fish and
 chips and then go to the swimingpool I´m going to swim a lot. and later
I will  have dinner. 

 and that´s what I´m going to do in Mexico byebye

The lion king

the lines that y was going to learn  sometimes was
very difficult to learned but y learn it

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blogger and the different things you can do...

I like a lot blooger because you can do a  lot of things like put a video o a picture

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

summer school

                                               summer school 

I like a lot the summer school because there are a lot of fun activities, including:

and a lot of fun things like the patio. And talking about the patio the  patio is enormous  they have basketball balls and a basket they have also football balls the class room is very very big and you now that the school is one of the best school.

my weekend

                                           my weekend            

I went  to Valencia and y give a surprise to my grandma because it was shes birthday she was walking in a restaurant with my grandpa and we call to she   to the beach in the beach y went to a chiringito and then y went a restaurant and then y went to my swimming pool and that's my weekend.